Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Ask for Help

I think one of the hardest parts of recovery from Eating Disorders is asking for help.

Taking that first step can seem overwhelming when you feel like there's no end in sight. When you've been living with an eating disorder, things can seem pretty hopeless.

You may feel like there's no way things will ever get better...

Or maybe you feel like you're not even sure you want to stop doing the things you have relied on for so long...

Maybe you've cut yourself off from the people around you. Or maybe you feel like you don't deserve to be helped.
You do.

You deserve help.

Things don't have to stay the way they are. You deserve help and you deserve to get better.

Is there someone in your life who is supportive? Maybe it's mom, or dad, or a sister, or brother, or friend, teacher, pastor, or even a doctor? Someone who has reached out to you in the past, maybe before you were ready?

Or maybe, you just search the internet. There are people who specialize in helping people with eating disorders all over the country. Do a google search. Visit or or

Sometimes, the thought of having to tell someone face-to-face can seem impossible.

So call someone on the phone. Write a note. Write an email. Send a text...

It doesn't matter how you ask for help, what matters is that you ask for help.

You may not realize it, or believe it, but there are people out there who want to help you.

You deserve help. You deserve to feel better.


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